
The Silver Linings Playbook

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(2012) Directed by David Russell. Pat (Bradley Cooper), is a bipolar man from Philadelphia who has spent the last eight months in a mental hospital. He was ordered there after a violent incident involving his wife and another man. Pat moves in with his father (Robert De Niro), a lifelong Eagles fan with low-level OCD issues. Pat wants to get back together with his wife, even though a restraining order keeps him from contacting her. He soon befriends Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), a depressed young woman who's mourning the death of her husband by engaging in compulsive sex with almost everyone she meets; she also knows his wife and offers to deliver a letter of his to her if he acts as her partner in a local dance competition.[Comedy | Drama]

The Silver Linings Playbook 7 Days Schedule
[All times ET]
